Need Help planning your 2025 honeymoon? Lavender on the Lake is offering you easy and practical planning tips for your honeymoon.
Going on a honeymoon is one of the most fun things about wedding planning. Let’s face it; planning a wedding can be stressful. Therefore, it is essential to have a trip to look forward to once all of the hustle and bustle is done. I still remember being a little girl and asking my mom what a honeymoon was because the word in and of itself is a lovely one. She told me that it was the experience- usually a trip-that a couple shared together after their wedding. I remember her telling me about a bridal trousseau. (Check back for a later blog on more about a trousseau and don’t forget to add that to number 3- your budget!) What I just learned is that the history of taking a honeymoon can traced back to medieval times, and ancient civilizations.
For some of you, it may be the first time that you are traveling together whereas for others, this may not be your first trip. We do know that planning a trip with a your partner- or anyone!- also comes with some challenges. I want to offer 7 easy and practical planning tips for your 2025 honeymoon. Not only are these key tips for the planning process, but some of them also should be applied to the actual trip itself. Many of the tips are even helpful for effective relating in general.
1. Communication
This is actually one of the most important things to focus on throughout your entire lives together. Perhaps your partner really wants that beach vacation while you would like something more adventurous. Talk about how you can both accommodate each other’s preferences. Sometimes we say and do things that we do not mean when we are feeling stressed or under attack. It’s crucial to avoid putting your partner down or becoming defensive. Express yourself and your opinions while keeping the common goal in mind by remembering that you are on the same team. The purpose of your honeymoon is to create a trip full of reminiscing, creating memories, celebrating your love, and relaxing!
2. Keep realistic expectations and be flexible.
You may have your heart set on hopping on an International flight and heading to Greece…Oh wait. That’s where I would like to next. Regardless, talk with your partner about the length of time that you can both get away and be ready to compromise while making the final decision. It may take some going back and forth a bit so be open to each other’s ideas. Don’t forget to consider your realistic budget and longterm goals.
3. Set a budget
Once you have decided on a location, figure out how much you can afford. Consider things like airline or transportation costs, accommodations, dining, attractions or activities, and your overall intentions for the entire trip. Sign me up for a couples massage, please!
4. Make accommodations
Once you have set your budget you can begin to figure out where to stay. Many of you will want to book in advance, whereas those of you who are more adventurous may decide to find your first place to stay along the way.
I look back to my first, long motorcycle trip with Jason in June of 2018. It was the trip that I fell in love with him; we hopped on the bike and headed north with no set plans. As we got closer to towns, he pulled up the information and made reservations. It was spontaneous and fun, and I realized then just how good he was at caring for me. The picture that I took of the rainbow while I was on the back of that bike brings back those first early feelings of love that I felt for Jason. The other photo was taken along our road trip, with the final photo being of us floating down the Chattahoochee River in Helen, Georgia.
While planning for your honeymoon, it is important be sure that you make decisions together and do what you feel comfortable with. In my moment, I was comfortable with Jason taking the wheel. (Sorry. That one was too easy.) I touch more on that motorcycle ride on my first blog if you would like to hear more about our beginning.

5. Choose activities that you both are excited about.
This is a big trip that you are taking together. You want to find a balance of each other’s interests in order to create a mutual and shared experience. Ask each other what activities feel like a must-do. Is it the beach that you want, a hiking trip, or walking and exploring a city like Key West? Maybe it is combination.

6. Capture the memories.
Be sure to make plans on how you will document the memories. Keep a balance between making and enjoying the moments with capturing them. It’s easy to get lost with the use of our cell phones and capturing the moments rather than truly BEING in the moment. Be mindful of simply enjoying them while also taking time to document your honeymoon together.
7. Respect each other’s space
This may seem silly if you are reading this prior to having taken a trip together as a couple. You may be thinking- “We will be together all the time because we are in love and we won’t want to be apart!” However, you may be surprised- or maybe you won’t!- that you may need a bit of time to be alone. Some of us regroup by having moments to ourselves, whereas others could be with people all of the time. We likely know if our partner is an introvert or not and so we may be ready to just give them the moments that they need to regroup. But I find it helpful to go into the trip being aware that you may learn some new things about yourselves and your partners.
Jason and I went on a 10 day trip out West with my 3 children 6 months into dating. Yes. I said, 6 months. My mom- and several friends later admitted- fearing that this may be the end of things for us. Going on a trip together is stressful let alone with three littles under the age of 12…and then consider the fact that Jason did not have any children of his own AND we were stopping in 6 different cities and hotels along our way in 10 days.
Needless to say, we had some bumps on the road. After- shall we call it a hill??- a challenging moment and drive from Durango, Colorado we arrived to Lake Powell and Jason needed a moment. And quite honestly, so did I with my 3. I knew that we were a lot and that it would take a special someone to want to take all of us on; I also knew that it was ok for us to be exactly who we were. My kids were asking me in that moment if Jason liked us, and I explained that we were used to being our group of 4 and that it may feel hard for him to come into our tight circle. I said that we were ok as we were and that it was also ok if he decided that we were all more than what he was ready for. That was a big conversation to have with my littles, however, I have always told them truths in the simplest form that their little brains could handle. And that seemed to be enough for them.
After Jason had some time alone while the kids and I were skipping rocks having our own time, we went back to our room and went to dinner with Jason. He had processed things and knew that he wanted to fight for us, whereas, my walls were up a bit. The next day, we had a moment on the boat that forever was a life changing moment for us as a new lil fam of 5. Here is a photo of us on the boat prior to having quite an anchor issue.

Later in Sedona he explained where he was coming from, and I shared where I went in that space; ultimately he had chosen me and my three and wanted to fight for us. The moment on the boat literally became the anchor to our story. This love really isn’t something I can adequately describe. Perhaps I will share that story in a later blog. Needless to say, respect each other’s space. Allow one another to do what they need to do, and you will have more meaningful and deeper woven tapestry of a relationship.
Overall, planning your honeymoon is an incredible time to continue to grow together as you come across moments that push you to communicate openly. It creates an open dialogue and asks you to consider each other as individuals and in partnership. And let’s face it! After planning for a wedding, we all look SO forward to getting away alone together to soak it all in.
I hope that you found these 7 easy and practical planning tips for your 2025 honeymoon to be helpful!Thank you so much for swinging over to my blog! If you have been following our journey you already know that I support local small owned business as I believe strongly that we offer a unique and one of a kind experience to our families and community like no other. I link 5 locally owned venues with each of my blogs in support of helping them to grow alongside us. You can also look here at this Wedding Venue Map