Choosing your wedding date is one of the first steps in planning your wedding, so Lavender on the Lake wants to offer some suggestions.
Central Florida is the perfect place for a wedding because there are many opportunities for fun both near and not too far. Selecting a venue here in Orlando offers your guests an opportunity to not only come for your wedding celebration but to also extend their stay for a little vacation. You can look HERE to learn about more things to do near Lavender on the Lake.
The most popular months for a wedding in Orlando are October, November, and March. The advantage to having a wedding in Florida is that we can host weddings at any time during the year because we have sunshine 12 months out of the year, but October, November, and March are the most popular months by far. However, because we have so much sunshine, you may also be able to find some good deals for pricing during the off season which is June, July, and August. If that is the case you will want to opt for an indoor ceremony. There are many things to consider when selecting your date when it comes to planning a Florida wedding.
Here are some simple suggestions for you to think about when choosing your wedding date.
- BUDGET: As mentioned before, you may want to consider selecting an off season date for reduced pricing. Here at Lavender on the Lake, we have a wonderful indoor option for summer hot days (which is also our rainy day back up plan!)

- HOLIDAYS: Consider that it may seem like a good idea to get married on or near a holiday, however, it might be difficult for guests to attend due to family obligations and/or travel.
- VENDOR AVAILABILITY AND VENDOR: Find out what dates your desired venue has available and then look into finding out if your vendors are available as well.
- SYMBOLIC DATES: Consider selecting a date that is meaningful to you. Perhaps you are able to find your perfect venue with an open date that is the date that you got engaged. Or maybe you want to share in your parent’s anniversary.
- WEDDING SEASON: Look into what season you are interested in and plan your theme accordingly.

- HURRICANE SEASON: Keep in mind that hurricane season is from June-November, therefore, it is important to have a back up plan in case of bad weather. (Again, we have a great rainy day plan here.)
- LOCAL EVENTS: Take a look into what local events are happening near you and be aware if there is a three day weekend happening on your wedding date. Sometimes, you will find that there may be a lower rate for availability for your venue and there could be an increase in flights for your guests.
- PERSONAL SCHEDULES: You want to be sure that you are not selecting a date that aligns with stressful times during your work or in your life. I love how my teacher couples are booking around spring break knowing that they are able to schedule their honeymoon during their break for directly after their wedding. We have some teachers booked for March of 2026! However, keep in mind that flights may be more expensive for you guests around the breaks.
Keep in mind that if you are looking for a Florida wedding, dates during October, November, and March tend to get scooped up quickly and far in advance so it is best to plan a year or a year and a half out if you are looking for dates during those top months. You also may find that vendors are more difficult to secure due to the busy season, therefore you may want to consider a Sunday wedding since most weddings occur on Saturdays.
Thank you so much for popping by my blog. I love to connect with locally owned wedding venues and if you are new here, you will see that I will add several locally owned venues to my blog in support of small business. Please consider a locally owned venue; you can find some here.